21 March 2010

Senior Show - 7 April 2010

Wednesday, 7 April 2010
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm opening
"All Dolled Up"
Senior Illustration Show
Montserrat's 301 Gallery, Beverly, MA

Featuring the art of:
Erica Allard
Meghan Hawkes
Emilee McGlory
Christopher Parent
Danielle Smith
Christopher Thibodeau
Justine Fitzgerald Yandle

12 March 2010

in which I explore the world of digital

This semester I am taking a Computer Imaging class, which is a slight departure from the norm for me. I used to do a lot of vector art, but I generally prefer working on physical pieces of art. I have been having a bit of fun, however, so here are a few of the pieces I've done for the class.

A book cover for The Invisible Man.

A self-portrait, sitting at my kitchen table.

This was a fun project - we had to make an image of a mythical creature collaged together from other photographed elements. So, I made a mermaid out of kelp and rope - then her fingers are fids and marlinspikes. I think that ship is in trouble.

Version 2, as it was pointed out to me that her cave should probably be more shadowed. I like both versions, regardless.

OSV sketch dump

I was at Old Sturbridge Village last weekend, and several of the hardworking folks around the Village quite kindly agreed to allow me to sketch them. (I think I owe people some cookies now) So, here are the fruits of a day with my sketchbook at OSV.

Dan all the way to the left, and then two girls who were going through employee training.

A few sketches of Peter, who was working in the tin shop.

Walter, working in the Asa Knight store.

Jeff, making clay pots and mugs.

And, Chip. sitting in the Bullard Tavern.

Then I got distracted and spent the afternoon listening to Will tell stories in the print shop. Really, why is everyone there so interesting?

Yet another sketch dump :-)

Just a post of a few random things from my sketchbook:

I doodled this fellow the other day, and quite like him - perhaps I should do a circus scene!

This little mischief maker is all over my sketchbook these days. I was going to use him in my thesis, but he's taken on a bit of a life of his own.

Frodo Baggins looking pensive. Why? Because that's what Frodo does, of course!

At long last - a post!

Wow, it has been a fair amount of time since I last updated this - I'm afraid that time has somewhat gotten away from me this semester. In the meantime, I come bearing more work:

That Noise - a piece for seminar, wherein we had to illustrate a really bothersome noise. Screaming children on long train rides fit that, I feel. //ink & watercolour on illustration board

This was my piece for Montserrat's Zombie Show, which was this year's illustration theme show. It did surprisingly well - the piece received an honourable mention when they were awarding best work! :-)

I'll scan and post some images from this semester's thesis (irish folk tales) soon.